If you are a Linux User or a system admin, you must have heard about /etc/passwd file. This file is a config that contains all the user details in the system and it is created during OS installation. Whenever a new user is added in the Linux system using useradd or adduser command, /etc/passwd file is updated with the details of the newly added user. This file has several fields and each field is separated by ‘:’ or colon.
There are several unix commands that uses /etc/passwd file like passwd and chpasswd – user for changing the, getent command for displaying user entries, chsh – for changing shell .
In brief, /etc/passwd is the config file that contains the login information of the users.
Contents of /etc/passwd
Below is the format of /etc/passwd file
As it is clear from the above example, /etc/passwd file contains seven entries or fields each separated by a colon. Now let us see what all are these fields.
- Login Name or Username: First field in the /etc/
passwd corresponds to the login name or Linux username. - x in the second field refers to the encrypted password that is stored in another file /etc/shadow. In case shadowing is disabled, then this field will contain the encrypted password.
- User ID or UID: Third entry in the /etc/
passwd file is for user id oruid assigned to the user. Newly added users in RHEL 7 begins from 1000 - Group ID or GID: Fourth entry in the /etc/
passwd file stores the Group ID or GID of Primary group - GCOS field comment: Fifth entry in /etc/
passwd is the comment field that can contain any detail aboutuser like user’s full name, department, contact number etc. GCOS stands for General Electric Comprehensive Operating System - Home Directory: Sixth entry is for home directory absolute path that is assigned to the user. In the above example, user home directory is set as /home/john that means when user
john willlogin to the machine, he will be at /home/john - Login Shell: Last one, the seventh field in the /etc/
passwd file stores the login shell assigned to a user. In the above example, user john is assigned shell /bin/bash. Common shells are /bin/bash, /bin/sh, many times you will observe this field contains /sbin /nologin or /bin/false.
Sample /etc/passwd file looks like:
Permissions on /etc/passwd file
Permissions on /etc/passwd file should be read only for all user, owner of the file is root.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 861 Dec 5 00:50 /etc/passwd
To get any particular user details, you can use getent command
testvm:~# getent passwd john
john:x:1023:1023:Design Team:/home/john:/bin/bash
You can use awk command to filter out fields of /etc/passwd file. For example, run below command to filter out all the users in the system.
cat /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $1}'