Installing CentOS/RHEL 7 on Vmware Workstation 12

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Rhel 7/ CentOS 7 comes with lot of multiple features and designed for new cloud platforms and modern datacenters. Most important change in Rhel 7 is switching to systemd, that now manages daemons, process and other important system resources.Other change is XFS that is now the default File system.

Installing CentOS 7 is easy task, its made more easy with easy install of VMware, 

Prerequisites :

Installed VMware workstarion
Iso file of CentOS / Rhel

CentOS iso file can be downloaded from >

Open VMware Workstation. I have installed CentOS on VMware workstation 12. Below is the initial page that opens up while launching VMware workstation 12.

Choose Create a New Virtual machine, below window will open, Choose among Typical or Custom install, Typical installation is recommended, after that  Choose Installer disc image file (iso) option and browse to the location where iso file is located and click next

Next, choose the VM name and add username and set password.

In the next step, set the disc size, set at-least 20 GB and click next

Finishing VM setup
In case you want to view or modify Hardware, click on Customize Hardware

Automated Installation will begin by Easy install, installing packages and finishing setup will take some time.

Easy install automates the process and take cares of installation process.

Installation of packages takes some time.

Its done ! Enjoy your CentOS 7 Gnome desktop 


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