Chitika Payment by Cheque-Adsense Alternative | December 2013

Chitika , Google Adsense alternative has paid me again and this time the money is $ 50.44.  Fifty dollars is not  big amount , still not bad since Chitika is our Secondary source of income , Google adsense being the Primary source of techbuzztimes. Also we are using infolinks in text ad program that also helps in efficient earnings out of your content.

In case you are not aware of Chitika Ad program , you can learn about Chitika here. We have been chitika from past 2 years and earlier we posted about our first  Earnings Cheque payment by them.Chitika helped techbuzz times to earn its first dollar, followed by Adsense and then Infolinks

Here are the images of Chitika Check payment proof.



So i advice all the bloggers and webmasters to give a try to Chitika ads , if you are searching for a good  alternative for Adsense. Currently I am using Chitika ads on several other blogs and i follow 75 + 25 % algorithm for better earnings. Use 3 adblocks of Google Adsense and one ad block of Chitika for better optimization and will surely boost up your adsense earnings.

Learn More about Chitika 

Sign Up For Chitika

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